Forum Topics

Rooftop solar to fall under Permitted Development

Planning news - 7 December 2023Rooftop solar to fall under permitted developmentThe government has announced a change in planning rules that will enable rooftop solar panels to be installed on homes and businesses through permitted development rights.This means that homeowners and businesses won't need to go through the full planning process.Homes with flat roofs will be able to install panels without planning permission, bringing rules in line with those for businesses. Also, the changes will make it easier for panels to be installed in canopies above car parks if they are more than 10 metres away from people’s homes.  According to the government, this move will encourage more people to install solar panels on their properties, therefore cutting energy bills and emissions.Rules that require businesses to apply for planning permission if solar panels will generate more than one megawatt of electricity will also be scrapped, said the government. Planning minister Lee Rowley said: “We must make sure our homes are fit for the future and can help us meet our net-zero ambitions."By cutting red tape in the planning system we can make sure homeowners and businesses can install solar panels without being held up by costly delays. Crucially, these permitted development rights are still subject to important conditions, including their use in conservation areas."Energy security minister Graham Stuart added: “Removing the 1MW restriction for industrial rooftop solar will help us meet our target of 70GW of solar power by 2035 while supporting hundreds of long-term skilled British jobs, bolstering our world-leading renewables sector and reducing bills for consumers with panels."The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development etc.) (England) (Amendment) (No. 2) Order 2023 will come into effect on 21 December 2023. 4 December 2023Laura Edgar, The Planner

Rosco White ● 391d3 Comments ● 389d

New Free The Wellbeing Course with a December 6 Taster,The Wellbeing Course has a Taster Session coming up 6 December 2023, 7.30-9.00pm, come along and see what you think and sign up for the course in January if you like it. Venue: St Alban's Church, South Parade, Chiswick W4 5LG (by the garage and Duke of Sussex).Free In-Person The Wellbeing Course - starts 3 Jan 2024 on Wednesday evenings, 7.30-9.00pm. to sign up.Free, Fun, In Person.The WELLBEING COURSE is a free 6 week course Wednesday evenings, 7.30-9.00pm in Chiswick.*Hi, my name’s Katy. I work as a GP and as a positive psychology coach, and have run several wellbeing courses with great feedback**. I’ve designed a wellbeing course to look at practical things that increase health and happiness:RELAX • effective steps to switch off the stress response and switch on relaxationEAT • healthy tips to help you get to where you want to with your eatingMOVE • incorporate moving more into your daySLEEP • improve your wellbeing and immune system through better sleepCONNECT • with yourself, and outside self: with others, nature and purposeFormat: relaxed, fun and informal, with a mix of video, discussion and reflection Will it make a difference?: Previous course participants say yes!**Interested? Ask questions: thewellbeingcourse@gmail.comSign up: Eventbrite, No sign up needed for the taster session on 6th December 7.30pm, just for the course.Katy*venue: St Alban’s Church, South Parade, London W4 5LG. **Feedback from previous courses:”An amazing course, very enjoyable.”   “Inspiring, thought-provoking” “gave me some smart small steps to take”  “v useful and effective” “changed my mindset to positive”

Katy Willis ● 427d0 Comments ● 427d

INVITE - join us to protest against car engine idling at Acton Central - tomorrow (Tues) from 3.20pm

The spookiest night of the year is nearly here, but it's a time to scare your friends, not the planet!Please join us on Tuesday October 31 from 3.20-5pm as three community groups (Friends of the Earth, CCA and Friends of Friars Gardens) hold an anti-idling demo at Acton Central level crossing. We'll be displaying signs to ask drivers to switch off their engines and handing out Friends of the Earth leaflets about the hazards of idling on young lungs. The demo is timed to coincide with the end of the primary school day as many parents and their children are subjected to pollution as they wait at the crossing. We'd like to invite kids and parents (even in costume before heading off to trick or treat) to help give out leaflets. Even half an hour of your time would be most helpful! After the demo, adults (not trick or treating) will repair to the nearby Rocket pub for a well-earned drink. In the event of rain (unless very light rain) the demo will be rescheduled, but we think the forecast is not predicting rain (40% chance) until 6pm.Remember that an idling engine spews emissions, filling 150 balloons in a single minute, and those particles are harming the young lungs of children passing nearby, as well as the driver/ passengers in the vehicle. An idling engine is much more potent in its emissions than a travelling one.  We hope to see you there!

Juliet McDonald ● 429d0 Comments ● 429d

Reduce and Reuse Event - 4th November 2023

The Acton Market Reduce and Recycle Hub is returning on Saturday 4th November from 10am to 3pm, on the Mount in Acton. Since October  2022 we have achieved;• 408kg of unwanted clothes and shoes saved from landfill by Traid, which reduced carbon emissions (CO2) by 8.15 tonnes and water savings of 649m3.• 100 kgs of small electrical items collected which will be recycled.• 3kg of pens recycled • Taught Clothes Repair• Repaired kitchen and garden tools• Promoted watch repair services on site• Swapped and rehomed over 297 fiction and non-fiction books• Promoted clothing traders onsite selling, returns , seconds and preloved accessoriesThis month at the hub Acton Residents will be able to; RECYCLE: Bring along your old and unloved: • Clothing, Shoes, Small electrical appliances for donation to TRAID• Laptops for donation to the Fixing Factory • How you can increase your household recycling with ActforEaling - • Pens and writing instruments• Toothbrushes and other dental itemsREPAIR: • Learning to fix your Clothes with Ealing Repair Café • Get your Bikes checked with Dr Bike (2 pm-5 pm) REUSE: • Shop at our pre-loved traders or with our stall holders many who sell returns and seconds from the high street at a reduced price choose from sportswear, womenswear and menswear. • Book Swap – Bring a book and take a book, with Churchfield Community Association!• Learn to make draft excluders from old jeansYou can find out more at

Zahra Shah ● 440d0 Comments ● 440d

The Goldsmith Greens. Message from Juliet McDonald

Hi everyone. GREAT NEWS!!!! Remember the testimonials you all wrote in support of FOFGA’s request to protect our three Central Acton greens? On Thursday evening at Perceval House, I did a 5-minute presentation, as did our Councillor Kate Crawford, requesting this extra protection for our green spaces, to the LDPAC committee. We also officially handed in your 370+ individual statements to the clerk. These testimonials looked absolutely amazing (thanks @Tricia Howey for creating a beautiful graphic design from an unwieldy Excel spreadsheet) as we had them professionally printed and ringbound.   It is with rapturous delight that I can tell you the LDPAC committee voted unanimously to support our proposal for the greens to be designated LGS. This is an important first step in many. The proposal now has to go through various ‘tests’ for meeting NPPF criteria, council legalities (the soil owner of 2 of the 3 greens has to be engaged with), the GLA and finally the planning inspectorate. So it’s not a victory in itself yet, but a victory for us as a community as we’ve done our part in presenting our case - at the very best moment, to the right officers, in the most appropriate way - and our representation just has to go through the process now.   Thanks to everyone who contributed and in particular the army of leaflet droppers who risked their fingers in biting letterflaps and to key supporters Maire Lowe and my husband Neal. Fingers crossed this proposal gets over each and every hurdle 🙏

Maire Lowe ● 466d1 Comments ● 440d

Community Day - Acton Market  - 7th October

Acton West London are co hosting a community event on 7th October.We are going to be teaming up with local community safety advocate Vanessa Hyman and our neighbours 0n the Mount St. Marys Church.  Vanessa who sadly lost her son on mothers day 2004,  to gun and knife crime, has been passionate about keeping people safe and creating safe communities for almost 20 years.  You can find out more about her organisation ‘ A mothers tear drop’  here We’re All In This Together, is outdoor community event…that celebrates community and raises the profile of safer communities.On the day, there will be speaches about prevention and how to be safe…and we will also be celebrating the 1 year birthday of the Reduce and Recycle hub!You will be entertained by Special Guest Studio, Fatman Sound and Charisma Sound..We will have a Bouncy Castle, Face Painting and Sand Art for the young ones plus Stalls and Food Vendors and the Reduce and Recycle Hub.  The Lottery Fund are bringing their mood gazer and an Astronomer. Elevate Arts will be performing in the afternoon and we hope to have our friends from Acton Fire Station on site in the afternoon for children to explore the fire engine and meet the officers.More people are hoping to join us on the day, we will keep you posted on our social media platforms in regards to what else will be on site on the Mount that day!   So come, bring your children, be entertained and have some  food and fun….Date… 7th October 2023 ..Time… 11am till 6pmAddress …The Mount,Acton High Street W3 9NW (opposite Morrisons)..Lets bring the Community Back Together

Zahra Shah ● 464d0 Comments ● 464d

The greens in Central Acton are not protected until they are protected. Please sign

Not so long ago St Dunstan's Gardens was threatened by a developer wanting to build 52 care home units and 28 parking bays on it. Also in recent times Mount Anvil, the developer at Friary Park, wanted to annex Friars Place Green, by building amenities for its new tenants there including a cycling hub.Just because these threats have seemingly gone away, residents still need to be vigilant, but despite a survey demanding protection for these greens being passed around in What's App groups only 214 people have so far responded in comparison to the 800 who indignantly signed when St Dunstan's Gardens had a planning application on it.Undoubtedly it is tricky to communicate the need for this to every resident and a leaflet drop through doors WILL be happening, but if anybody reading this can help, please do so...Now is the time to seek long-term protection for our three beautiful greens - St Dunstan's Gardens, Friars Gardens and Friars Place Green, the latter of which - by virtue of the spur road being 'stopped up' is still at risk of being merged into Friary Park.YOU CAN DO SOMETHING!!! NOW!!!  IT TAKES LESS THAN TWO MINUTESSupport a campaign to designate these greens as Local Green Space in Ealing's Local Plan. This will afford our little parks extra protection, so that the council could perhaps refuse to validate any application asking to build on them, thus not even getting to the fluro-yellow sign on the lamp-post. Thus causing residents less stress. We should be secure in the enjoyment of our open spaces.Your testimonial, stating why these greens are special, will make a difference. Short statements are needed from as many residents of Central Acton as we can muster. Be a community champion. Even if you don't actually visit them regularly, you must have walked or driven past at some point and are able to comment on why they are special/ needed. Please use this link

Juliet McDonald ● 558d8 Comments ● 557d

Twyford Court -- Need your support

Hi FolksWe need your support if you can - need sensible objections and/or harassment/ skirmishing action of the planning dept for a local planning application to Twyford Court.The matter is urgent - we're in contact with the Planning Officer - she is writing her Officer's Report as we speak and it looks like the proposal will be approved. This is really hard for us to understand, and to accept. So there are only days left - we are fighting to the finish line, marshalling our support and so we turn to you. We need Volume.Twyford Court (W3 9QE) on Twyford Avenue is close to Ealing Common and within the Creffield Conservation Area (CCA). It's a really lovely 1930's long two-storey building which manages to complement & totally fit in with the surrounding Edwardian & late Victorian streetscape. It has long & sleek flowing lines - it makes you smile when you look at it - you could say the designer of this building was talented. Twyford Court is singled out for significant praise in CCA Appraisal of 2007 (see below at the end of this post).It houses 16 decent sized 2-bedroom flats, with a variety of long-term residents - from young families to hard working professionals to older people - one of the residents has just this week given birth to a new baby, many people work from home, some are retired, etc. It has small but very pleasant gardens at front & back which are used extensively by the residents especially in the summer months.The proposal (230905FUL) is to add a third floor above the building to provide 5 one-bed & studio flats. will raise the height of the existing walls and provide a flat-top roof with balconies & dormers at the front. This will destroy the look of the building and turn it from sleek & harmonious & well-designed into stumpy, out of character & ugly. The word "naff" comes to mind - there are many more clinical descriptions of this heresy in the objections. This is harmful to an Ealing heritage asset.The proposal will significantly overlook the patios & gardens to the rear destroying the existing residents' privacy and will look directly across into the large classroom windows of the Japanese School London. At the front the balconies (where there are currently none within the CCA) will overlook the street and the children passing by every day, as well as into the windows across the street many of which are private bedrooms.There will be living rooms & kitchens above bedrooms below.They are proposing putting bike sheds for 39 bicycles in the rear garden turning a pleasant & much loved garden into a parking lot.There's much more ...If the proposal is approved by planning, once the works start it will be absolute hell for the existing residents. Building works with demolition then tons of banging & hammering, noise & dust & all that goes with such works - will be going on directly above their heads - within inches. Ealing Planning will simply say "this is not a material planning consideration" - but then who at the council will give consideration to the existing residents, to existing residents of London Borough of Ealing? The answer is Nobody - in this way Planning just wash their hands of it, like Pontius Pilate.But what about the baby, the people working from home, the older residents? "Not a material planning consideration" This is a disgrace.You will see there are many objections on the council webpage for this proposal and not a single 'neutral' or 'supports'. Many really good objections covering all the bases. Now what we need is VOLUME. A Tidal Wave!I have nothing against "modern" I'm all for sensible development when it is needed but this is too much - and all for 5 poky 1-bed & studio flats?It makes no sense. But planning will approve it anyway.Unless we raise a stink. People Power - spread the word - get your objections in - call the planning officer.No ranting please - outraged is ok - sensible objections - firm & to the point.And I look forward to inviting you all to the celebration if & when the application is quashed - due to the tidal wave of people-power and their actions.You know that song "I fought the Law and the - Law Won" -- by the Clash?Well if we win we will sing: "We fought the Council and - We Won"Thanks for listening.Now Go Get 'Em. (Please)Steven-----Creffield Conservation Area (CCA) Appraisal -- March 2007 Not a massive document but depsite having a great deal to cover, it still manages to find space to single out Twyford Court with the following comments:-- Twyford Court is a handsome lowrise 1930s set of flats in a toned down Art Deco style. While the designer did not take architectural cues from the surrounding buildings, the quality of the design and respect showed for the surroundings means that it does enhance the area.-- Due to its later vintage and individual style, this building stands out from the rows of Edwardian houses in Creffield. However, it also stands as an example of how such differences in appearance do not necessarily result in a jarring visual effect or a loss of character in the area. This building’s low-rise design and soft tones add to the rich suburban mix.

Steven Pawlyk ● 583d1 Comments ● 583d

3rd June - Reduce and Reuse Hub - Acton  Market

The Acton Market Reduce and Recycle hub monthly returns on Saturday 3rd June.  Once again bringing the Mount alive in Acton with lots of great organisations and businesses coming along on to help people in Acton to #reduce, #reuse and #recycle. At our monthly hub at MarketW3 we want you to:RECYCLE: Bring along your old and unloved: • Clothing, Shoes, Small electrical appliances for donation to TRAID• Laptops for donation to the Fixing Factory • Pens and writing instruments• Toothbrushes and other dental itemsREPAIR: • Learning to fix your Clothes with Ealing Repair Café • Get your Bikes checked with Dr Bike (2 pm-5 pm) • Drop of your tools for sharpening (paid) with Renew Sharpening Service or speak to them about their services REUSE: • Shop at our pre-loved traders or with our stall holders many who sell returns and seconds from the high street at a reduced price choose from sportswear, womenswear and menswear. • Book Swap – Bring a book and take a book, with Churchfield Community Association!AND there’s more: Our tasty local foodie stalls will be onsite so you can sample the flavours of Ghana, India and Lebanon.So, come along and grab a bargain, knowing you will be helping reducing waste as well as saving money.For more information and links to our hub stall holders visit: next date for the Reduce and Recycle hub:• Saturday 8th JulyReduce and Recycle Hub successesAt the Reduce and Recycle hub we have so far:• 284 kg of unwanted clothes and shoes saved from landfill by Traid, which reduced carbon emissions (CO2) by 2.83 tonnes and water savings of 450.7m3.• 96.2 kgs of small electrical items collected which will be recycled.If your organisation, community group or as a trader are interested in getting a stall or can volunteer to help run some of the activities, please email

Zahra Shah ● 589d0 Comments ● 589d

Join Our Team: Become a Community Representative at Action West London

Are you passionate about making a difference in your community? Do you believe in empowering people to improve their lives? If so, we have an exciting opportunity that might just be perfect for you! Action West London, a dynamic charity committed to addressing social exclusion, is seeking a Community Representative to join our dedicated Board of Trustees.About Action West LondonAction West London (AWL) is a respected charity that has been serving the local community for over 20 years. Our mission is to help disadvantaged individuals, particularly those facing social and economic exclusion, to change their lives through employment, education, and enterprise. Our work spans several key areas including supporting young people at risk, assisting job seekers, aiding refugees, and providing educational and training opportunities.The RoleAs a Community Representative on our Board of Trustees, you will play a crucial role in guiding the strategic direction of AWL. You will bring your local knowledge, insights, and passion to the table, helping us to make decisions that best serve our community.Your primary responsibilities will include:• Providing a voice for the local community in board meetings• Helping to shape the strategic direction of the charity• Collaborating with other trustees to oversee the charity's governance• Assisting in the development and implementation of AWL's policies and goals• Advocating for AWL within your networksWhat We're Looking ForWe welcome applications from individuals who are committed to our mission and have a deep understanding of the community we serve. You should have:• A strong connection to and understanding of the West London community• A passion for social change and a belief in the power of employment, education, and enterprise to transform lives• Excellent communication skills and a collaborative approach• Integrity, independence, and good judgementPrevious experience in a similar role would be beneficial but is not essential. We are particularly interested in hearing from candidates who can bring diverse perspectives to our board.Why Join UsServing as a trustee for AWL offers the unique opportunity to make a significant impact in your community. You will:• Gain valuable experience in leadership, strategic planning, and charity governance• Have the opportunity to influence the direction of a respected local charity• Work alongside a dedicated team of trustees and staff members• Be at the forefront of effecting social change in West LondonApply TodayJoin us in making a difference. If you believe in the power of community action and want to be a part of a team that's transforming lives in West London, we want to hear from you!For more information on how to apply, please visit our website at or email us at note, this is a voluntary role. However, reasonable expenses will be covered. The closing date for applications is 31st May 2023.Action West London is committed to diversity and inclusion. We welcome applications from all sections of the community.Together, we can create positive change in West London. Apply today to become a Community Representative on our Board of Trustees. We look forward to welcoming you to our team!

Action West London ● 595d0 Comments ● 595d

Building London's sustainable and inclusive future.

I'm sure we'll all be cock a hoop when we learn about the far reaching decisions made on our behalf and without public consultation. PLENTY of non-public "consultation" though, if you read on.....  Building London's sustainable and inclusive future.London boroughs are set to unveil a list of key infrastructure projects needed to secure "a more prosperous, inclusive, and sustainable" future for the capital.The London Infrastructure Framework will be officially unveiled at UKREiiF 2023 – the UK's real estate investment and infrastructure forum - in Leeds later today.The framework, which has been developed with the boroughs by the economic consultancy Metro Dynamics and through close working with the Greater London Authority and Transport for London, will promote more efficient planning and delivery of infrastructure and enable a more united pan-London voice to support projects in accessing funding.London Councils' Executive Member for London's Future: Business, Economy and Culture, Cllr Elizabeth Campbell, said: "By setting out boroughs' agreed priorities and the exciting range of development opportunities across the capital, the London infrastructure framework will drive investment towards where it will make the most difference."But alongside this new framework, we are also calling for a new devolution deal for the capital to support boroughs' ambitions around growth and infrastructure. Letting boroughs keep more proceeds from locally driven growth would help us secure investment for these strategic projects and bring benefits not only to Londoners but the UK economy as a whole.    "Boroughs are more determined than ever to work with each other and with our partners in City Hall and central government, as well as with private investors. Together we can secure the infrastructure London needs to thrive in the coming years and maximise its contribution to the UK's economic well-being."

Rosco White ● 596d0 Comments ● 596d

Reduce and Reuse Event - 17th May - Acton 12.30 -16.30pm

Action West London are delighted to share the first of our free community events at the Donut Factory in Acton.Ealing Repair Cafe and AWL’s Reduce and Recycle Hub have come together to co host a Reduce and Reuse event at our offices.Come along on Wednesday May 17th between 12.30pm and 16.30pm and:REPAIR by:• Learning to fix your Clothes with Ealing Repair CaféEaling Repair café encourages the mending of clothes and textiles. They want to get more people valuing and wearing their clothes for longer and to move away from fast disposable fashion. On 17th they will offer advice on how to mend by sewing, embroidery, visible mending, patching, boro and sashiko stitching. At sessions we help by providing sewing equipment, threads and fabric for patches.Come and join them for a repair and natter and hot drinkRECYCLE by bringing along you old or unloved• Clothing and Shoes• Small electrical appliances• Laptops• Toothbrushes & Dental care, (see full list here )• Felt Pens and writing instruments,( see full list here)These items will go to Traid, The Fixing Factory and TerracycleREUSE/ REDUCE• Churchfield Community Association Bookswap• Hammersmith Library of Things•Find out more about Household recycling with Act for EalingThe event is drop in but we do need you book in so we know you plan to come – but you can come along at any time.Book at

Acton Market ● 603d0 Comments ● 603d

Unsolved West London Murders.

In March 2023, The commissioner of the Met Police Sir Mark Rowley admitted the force has 'racists, misogynists and homophobes' in its ranks – as Home Secretary Suella Braverman blasted 'serious failings of culture, leadership and standards' at Scotland Yard. On 6th April I sent a lengthy email to Mark Rowley pleading with him to review The Hammersmith Nudes' murders of the 1960's. I told him that I am in contact with adult children and other members of 6 of the murder victims.  I told him that many of the victims' family members are convinced that if the victims were police women, doctors, nurses or solicitors there would have been a review. On April 11 I recieved the following."Dear Mr Milkins,My apologies for the delayed response. I have forwarded this matter to the appropriate team for their review and direct reply to you.Kind regards,*****  ********      *********  | Inspector | Staff Officer to the Commissioner."Today I received a a phone call from New Scotland Yard followed by the following email.Dear Mr Milkins "It was good to speak to you on the phone just now, and as promised, I am emailing to confirm my details. I recognise the huge amount of dedication you have put into your investigations and I am sorry that these terrible murders remain unsolved, despite your efforts.There have been various reviews conducted regarding these cases over the years and I know you were in contact with DC Paul Rogers in 2007, and most recently, DC Adam Bailey in 2020. It remains the case as per DC Bailey’s letter that the links between Harold Jones and the victims are not substantive enough to enable a definitive finding that he was responsible for their deaths. I hope you understand that because Jones died in 1971 and there is no additional material further to what has been looked at in the above reviews, we won’t be reviewing the cases again at this time.Having said that, I know you are determined to continue with your work, and if there is something substantive and probative that you find that you would like to bring to our attention in the future, please do so.I wish you all the best."DC *****   ****** | CSC - Major InquiriesSpecial Casework TeamTHE MUST GO ON. AND IT WILL.

Neil Milkins ● 623d0 Comments ● 623d

Easter Church services

Here are details for some local churches where I could find them on their websites. All very welcome to all of these services! Anyone please feel free to add the details for those not included:**Good Friday 11:00am - Open Air service in the marketplace on the Mount outside St Mary's **Oaktree Anglican Fellowship216 High St, London W3 9NXGood Friday Service 11am outside St Mary's ChurchEaster Sunrise Service 6am at Ealing CommonLocation: Ealing Common (North East Corner)Easter Sunday Celebration 4.30pmPlease join us for our all-age Easter service.St Mary’s ChurchThe Mount, High St, London W3 9NWMaundy Thursday - 7:30pm Communion serviceGood Friday - open air 11am outside the church              12pm stations of the cross (self led)              1.30pm Good Friday serviceEaster Sunday - 8am Holy Communion               10.30am Parish communionOur Lady of Lourdes141-143 High St, London W3 6LXMaundy Thursday - 7pmGood Friday - children's service 10amGood Friday - Celebration of the Passion of the Word 3pmEaster Saturday - 8pmEaster Sunday - 9am, 10:30am and 12:00pmSt Martin’s West ActonHale Gardens, London W3 9SQMaundy Thursday - 7:30pmGood Friday - 10.45am service outside St Mary's Acton            - 12pm-1.30pm stations of the cross at St Mary's Acton            - 1.30pm-3pm Prayers and readings on the CrossEaster Saturday - 8pm Easter vigit at Christ the Saviour churchEaster Sunday  - 8am Holy Communion service               - 10am service followed by an easter egg huntSt Dunstan’s East ActonFriars Pl Ln, London W3 7AWGood Friday - 9am Good Friday meditation            - 10.15am prayer walk ending outside St Mary's Acton            - 11am Service outside St Mary's ActonEaster Sunday - 6am Sunrise service + breakfast              - 10am All age communion              - 11.30am Easter egg hunt and egg rollingActon Baptist ChurchChurch Rd, London W3 8PPEaster Sunday - 10:45amActon Hill ChurchHigh Street Corner of, Woodlands Ave W3 9BUEaster Sunday - 11:00amBerrymead Evangelical Church16 Avenue Rd, London W3 8NSEaster Sunday - 11:00amChurch of the AscensionBeaufort Road, London W5 3EBGood Friday - 2pmEaster Sunday - 10:30amChrist Church Turnham GreenTown Hall Ave, Chiswick, London W4 5DT(St Alban's S Parade, Chiswick, London W4 5LG)Maundy Thursday - St Alban's 7.30pm - 30 minutes prayer and reflectionGood Friday - St Alban's 7.30am, 12pm, 7.30pm - 30 minutes prayer and reflectionEaster Sunday - 9.30am Holy Communion              - 10.30am St Alban'sAnyone looking for an online service - Good Friday at 11am Easter Sunday at 11:30am

Prabal Ray ● 636d0 Comments ● 636d

March Reduce and Recycle Hub - Acton Market

March Reduce and Recycle HubThe Acton Market Reduce and Recycle hub monthly return on Saturday 4th March, first Saturday of the month.  Once again bring the Mount alive in Acton with lots of great organisations and businesses coming along on to help people in Acton to #reduce, #reuse and #recycle. At our monthly hub at MarketW3 we want you to:RECYCLE: Bring along your old and unloved: •Clothing, Shoes, Small electrical appliances for donation to TRAID•Laptops for donation to the Fixing Factory •How you can increase your household recycling with ActforEaling - •Pens and writing instruments•Toothbrushes and other dental itemsREPAIR: •Learning to fix your Clothes with Ealing Repair Café •Get your Bikes checked with Dr Bike (2 pm-5 pm) •Drop of your tools for sharpening (paid) with Renew Sharpening Service or speak to them about their services REUSE: •Shop at our pre-loved traders or with our stall holders many who sell returns and seconds from the high street at a reduced price choose from sportswear, womenswear and menswear. •Book Swap – Bring a book and take a book, with Churchfield Association!AND there’s more: Our tasty local foodie stalls will be onsite so you can sample the flavours of Ghana, India, Mexico and Lebanon.So, come along and grab a bargain, knowing you will be helping reducing waste as well as saving money.For more information and links to our hub stall holders visit: next date for the Reduce and Recycle hub:• Saturday 4 April Reduce and Recycle Hub successesAt the Reduce and Recycle hub we have so far:•197 kg of unwanted clothes and shoes saved from landfill by Traid, which reduced carbon emissions (CO2) by 1.79 tonnes and water savings of 312.6m3.•68 kgs of small electrical items collected which will be recycled.If your organisation, community group or as a trader are interested in getting a stall or can volunteer to help run some of the activities, please email

Acton Market ● 673d2 Comments ● 670d

Reduce and Recycle Hub - February

The Market W3 Reduce and Recycle hub returns on Saturday 4th February to Acton.   The hub will have lots of great organisations coming along on to help people in Acton to #reduce, #reuse and #recycle. At our monthly hub at MarketW3 we want you to:RECYCLE: Bringing along your old or unloved • Clothing, Shoes, Small electrical appliances for donation to @TRAID • Laptops • Pens and toothbrushesREPAIR: • Learning to fix your Clothes with #EalingRepairCafé  • Getting your Bikes checked with Dr Bike (2 pm-5 pm) • FREE laptop health check from Dr Laptop from 12pm and 4pm REUSE: • Shop at our pre-loved traders or with our stall holders many who sell returns and seconds from the high street at a reduced price choose from sportswear, womenswear and menswear. • Repurpose old t-shirts in yarn  • BOOK SWAP -  Bring a book and take a book!Friends of the Earth, our local environmental groups will also be there updating us with their latest campaign for United For Warm Homes.AND if that’s not enough: Our tasty local foodie stalls will be onsite so you can sample the flavours of Ghana, India, Mexico and Lebanon.Reduce and Recycle Hub successesAt the Reduce and Recycle hub we have so far:• 160 kg of unwanted clothes and shoes saved from landfill by @Traid, which reduced carbon emissions (CO2) by 1.49 tonnes and water savings of 256.6m3.• 52 kgs of small electrical items collected which will be recycled.So, come along and grab a bargain, knowing you will be helping reducing waste as well as saving money.For more information and links to our hub stall holders visit: #actonw3 #reducewaste #prevloved #upcycledfashion #actonmarketw3 #recycle #reduceandreuses #shoplocal

Acton Market ● 702d2 Comments ● 684d

M&S announces it will open 20 new stores with cafés and 12 food halls

Eleven locations still to be announced, one in The Oaks?M&S announces it will open 20 new stores with cafés and 12 food halls creating 3,400 jobs over the next two years - so is one opening near you?Marks & Spencer has revealed plans to open 20 new shops across the UKThe move, part of a £480million investment, will create 3,400 jobsChief executive says he wants to make sure M&S has stores in the right places By DANYA BAZARAA FOR MAILONLINEPUBLISHED: 09:37, 16 January 2023 | UPDATED: 12:25, 16 January 2023Marks & Spencer has announced plans to open 20 new shops across the UK in a move that will create 3,400 jobs.Eight full-line stores will open in shopping centres such as the Bullring in Birmingham and the Trafford Centre in Manchester, as well as in retail parks and high streets across key cities over the next financial year.M&S will also open 12 new food halls, including in Stockport, Barnsley and Largs in North Ayrshire, Scotland.The new openings, planned for 2023-24, will bring investment in new stores to £480million, M&S said. Nine of the 20 new store locations have been revealed so far, with the remaining 11 to be announced in due courseNine of the 20 new store locations have been revealed so far, with the remaining 11 to be announced in due courseBirmingham Bullring (full-line store opening Autumn 2023)Manchester’s Trafford Centre (full-line store opening Winter 2023)Lakeside Thurrock (opening Winter 2023) Stockport (food hall opening in Summer 2023)Barnsley (food hall opening in Autumn 2023)Largs, North Ayrshire (food hall opening in Winter 2023)Purley Way (full-line store opening Summer 2023) Leeds White Rose shopping centre (full-line store opening Summer 2023)The remaining 11 locations are to be announced in due course.The new store pipeline for 2023/24 includes eight full-line stores in city locations including a new 97k sq ft store in Leeds White Rose and a 70k sq ft store in Liverpool One, both due to open in Summer 2023. Later in the year, other major stores will open, including a 65k sq ft store in Birmingham Bullring (Autumn 2023), a 96k sq ft store in Manchester’s Trafford Centre and a 98k sq ft store in Lakeside Thurrock, both set to open in Winter 2023.All five of these stores will be relocated to former Debenhams sites – part of M&S’s investment to regenerate vacant sites. Each has been designed with local families in mind, with wider aisles. They will have fresh market-style food halls stocking the full M&S food range, spacious clothing, home and beauty departments, brand-new M&S cafes and free car parking. Alongside full line sites, M&S has planned investment in 12 new food halls. These include a 16k sq ft store in Stockport opening in Summer 2023, a 12k sq ft store in Barnsley (South Yorkshire) opening in Autumn 2023, and a 9,000 sq ft store in Largs (a seaside town in North Ayrshire, about 33 miles from Glasgow) opening in Winter 2023.Nine of the 20 new store locations have been revealed so far, with another 11 to be announced in due course, M&S says. M&S's latest plans come under a wider restructure of its retail footprint, with the group last year revealing it would reduce the number of its full-line stores by 67 to 180 over the following five financial years.Chief executive Stuart Machin said: 'Stores are a core part of M&S's omni-channel future and serve as a competitive advantage for how customers want to shop today.'Our store rotation programme is about making sure we have the right stores in the right place with the right space - and we're aiming to rotate from the 247 stores we have today to 180 higher-quality, higher-productivity full-line stores that sell our full clothing, home and food offer whilst also opening over 100 bigger, better food sites.'The out-performance of our recently relocated and renewed stores give us the confidence to go faster in our plan.'SOURCE:

Rosco White ● 716d7 Comments ● 714d

Please OBJECT to the utterly ridiculous THIRD Concrete Batching Plant in Horn Lane Goods Rail Yard.

Local concerned residents and particularly families with young children and/or those suffering any breathing difficulties are invited to OBJECT ASAP to this utterly ridiculous THIRD Concrete Batching Plant to be shoehorned into the already chronically congested and highly polluting Horn Lane Goods Rail Yard.Inspiration for the wording in your Objection can be gleaned from previous Objections lodged against the current two existing polluting Concrete Batching Plants.Please assist in OBJECTING to this wanton further pollution of a residential family area.I thank you.    😁THIRD and Proposed YEOMANS CONCRETE BATCHING PLANT details at:-    Installation of a temporary, rail served, mobile ready-mixed concrete batching plant with ancillary infrastructure to serve the High Speed Two development.     Yeoman Aggregates Acton Goods Yard 305 Horn Lane Acton Ealing W3 0BP    Ref. No: 223766FUL | Received: Wed 31 Aug 2022 | Validated: Wed 31 Aug 2022 | Status: Pending ConsiderationThe SECOND and existing QUATTRO CONCRETE PLANT    Construction of a rail served concrete batching plant (CBP), rail served cement storage facility (4no cement / PFA storage silos), workshop, modular office/welfare facilities, aggregate storage bays, substation and other ancillary structures and parking areas to enable use of site for concrete batching, cement storage and distribution, and associated administrative activities (proposals to enable permanent relocation of existing CBP operation, workshop and administrative activities from Quattro site at Park Royal).    Land Forming Part Of Acton Goods Yard 305 Horn Lane Acton W3 0BP    Ref. No: 191885FUL | Received: Fri 26 Apr 2019 | Validated: Mon 22 Jul 2019 | Status: Granted with S106 conditionsThe FIRST and existing HANSON CONCRETE PLANT       P/2013/3475Soft Landscaping    Retention of replacement Concrete Batching Plant    Hanson Concretes Horn Lane Goods Yard 305 Horn Lane Acton W3 0BP    Ref. No: P/2013/3475 | Received: Tue 06 Aug 2013 | Validated: Tue 06 Aug 2013 | Status: Conditional Consent

Rosco White ● 808d19 Comments ● 718d