"Wottasurprise, Developer is back, no doubt with the minor tweaks guaranteed to receive PP as recommended by our lovely Council." (17/02/24 09:28:00)With this in mind, Planning Application Ref. No: 190588FUL Springfield Court & Fells Haugh Lynton Road & Horn Lane Acton London W3 9EA, Status: Pending Decision, shows how it is so typical of Labour run Ealing Council to keep the "little people" in suspense. This particular case has been running since February 2019.Labour run Ealing Council seem to like keeping the "little people" in suspense and ignorance, while they brown nose every developer under the sun. One possible exception could be the developer John Lewis, for political point scoring reasons. It seems that Labour in Ealing Council got rid of Planning Notification Letters in 2015, to make it easier for them to brown nose developers, while keeping the so-called "little people" in greater ignorance. Disingenuous Labour in Ealing Council cannot seem to find any money for keeping the people properly informed, yet they seem to have all the money in the world, to brown nose developers.
Anthony Hawran ● 388d