Acton has something Chiswick will never have, and will always wish it had: The Elizabeth Line.Years back I used to see these pieces and feel "Wow, my area is being recognised, we'll show them!" now I really don't want people to know about Acton, I really don't want it to be Chiswick, or Ealing. Acton has only just moved to Marble Arch and the changes are still working through(Think about it, from, Holborn/Farringdon you can now get to AML in the time it used to take to get to Marble Arch)Acton will never be as "posh" as Chiswick, we will never have the river, the money or the AmericansActon will never be "The Queen of the Suburbs", we're too towny for thatActon will never be Shepherd Bush, although we are now closer to the centre then themNeither will Acton ever be Park Royal/Willesden (less said about whats north the better)Acton is the best its ever been, Churchfield Road and the High Street are on different courses and each has its own advantages.Yes, there are things I'd like in Acton but you can't have everything
Allan Kelly ● 358d