Don't know if you have seen this program on changing High Streets but it begins in Acton The Six Bells features in the opening shots They suggest Business Rates are the problem. What do you think?.
Maire Lowe ● 480d2 Comments
Assuming business rates contribute in some way to paying for local services, then cutting or abolishing them won’t help, for as it is, local authorities are starved of income under the present arrangements.
Peter Evans ● 470d
The whole system needs a complete rethink in my view. Bricks and mortar retailers, cafes and restaurants now face their main competition from internet based companies who not only pay no rates but also very little, if any corporation tax. As an interim step could be that councils could be given the power to apply discounts and multipliers to the level of business rate depending on the business. For instance a much higher level than now for slot machine parlours and betting shops. There could also be discounts for independent and locally owned businesses to be off set by a premium for chains.
Mark Evans ● 471d