Garden waste subscription
Anyone who uses the garden waste collection ‘service’ will be getting their demand for renewal for the forthcoming year, up seven percent to £96.50.What’s not revealed until the small print is examined is that the ‘service’ won’t operate between December 1 and March 1, a reduction of 25 percent. Bear in mind that your last collection might be mid-November and the resumption mid-March, depending on your collection day, so the gap edges towards four months.Apparently it’s because demand is low during the winter although other councils operate all year and charge substantially less than LBE. And it’s nothing to do with council tax. This service is funded by subscription from residents. The crews will still be employed, no doubt assigned to more pressing tasks like cycle lane clearance.Bear this in mind if you are about to renew. ‘We give you less for more!’ Might be the new LBE motto!
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