The greens in Central Acton are not protected until they are protected. Please sign
Not so long ago St Dunstan's Gardens was threatened by a developer wanting to build 52 care home units and 28 parking bays on it. Also in recent times Mount Anvil, the developer at Friary Park, wanted to annex Friars Place Green, by building amenities for its new tenants there including a cycling hub.Just because these threats have seemingly gone away, residents still need to be vigilant, but despite a survey demanding protection for these greens being passed around in What's App groups only 214 people have so far responded in comparison to the 800 who indignantly signed when St Dunstan's Gardens had a planning application on it.Undoubtedly it is tricky to communicate the need for this to every resident and a leaflet drop through doors WILL be happening, but if anybody reading this can help, please do so...Now is the time to seek long-term protection for our three beautiful greens - St Dunstan's Gardens, Friars Gardens and Friars Place Green, the latter of which - by virtue of the spur road being 'stopped up' is still at risk of being merged into Friary Park.YOU CAN DO SOMETHING!!! NOW!!! IT TAKES LESS THAN TWO MINUTESSupport a campaign to designate these greens as Local Green Space in Ealing's Local Plan. This will afford our little parks extra protection, so that the council could perhaps refuse to validate any application asking to build on them, thus not even getting to the fluro-yellow sign on the lamp-post. Thus causing residents less stress. We should be secure in the enjoyment of our open spaces.Your testimonial, stating why these greens are special, will make a difference. Short statements are needed from as many residents of Central Acton as we can muster. Be a community champion. Even if you don't actually visit them regularly, you must have walked or driven past at some point and are able to comment on why they are special/ needed. Please use this link
Juliet McDonald ● 558d8 Comments