Acton asylum-seeker needs volunteers.
EASE - the Ealing and Acton weekly drop-n for asylum-seekers and refugees living in the borough, has had an amazing first two years.We help about 100 people a week with English lessons, a hot meal, a free grocery food-bank (thanks City Harvest and Felix project) plus nappies and STs (thanks Good4Good and Bloody Good Period)This year we are one of the Mayor’s nominated charities (thanks Hitesh)So pretty successful. Growing means it’s bigger (duh) and needs more volunteers.We’re looking for people who are free Thursday mornings in Acton in term-time.Or even Wednesday afternoons…Or at other times to help with admin and organisation.It’s a lovely bunch of people doing amazing things to welcome and integrate guests from many countries.We can offer worthwhile work, ACE roast potatoes, regular socials mostly at ActOne and never a dull moment.So whether you are a teacher, like cooking, are organised, or friendly or both, or have some Arabic or Farsi or Urdu or Tigrinya or just English, do think about joining our crew.More information here:
Sara Nathan ● 323d1 Comments