Top Ten of 2012

Most read stories last year

Whilst crime stories will always grab attention there are a variety of others that have also proven to be of interest in Acton.
The closure (and subsequent reopening) of the Redback pub, the ongoing plans for the Oaks shopping centre as well as the Town Hall redevelopment have all made the top ten most read in 2012.

Changing property prices in the area is always of interest to readers and there are a variety of stories which feature inside and just outside the top ten.

Not in the top ten but still well read include The relaunch party of local business Prohands - and Margaret Noel famously being mobbed during her stint as Olympic torchbearer.

More recent stories such as Acton's Christmas Fair and the best dressed Christmas window competition show the support for local traders and activities.
Top Ten Stories 2012
1) Stabbing and Shooting on South Acton Estate
2) The Redback Has Closed
3) Motorcyclist Killed at Gypsy Corner
4) Redback to Become Acton Arms
5) Man Beaten to Death in Acton
6) Contoversial New Plans fot the Oaks
7) Acton Flat Inventory
8) Bus Crash Near Acton Town Hall
9) Saudi Princess
10) Swimming Pool Work Begins

What would you like to see in Acton W3 in 2013?

Please keep sending your news, events and stories to


A very Happy New Year.


3rd January 2012