Gaza Plea Made at Ealing Council Meeting

Palestinian residents present 3500 signature petition

Pro Palestine Supporters Outside Ealing Town Hall
Pro Palestine Supporters Outside Ealing Town Hall. Picture: Abbas Mustafa

December 12, 2024

Several Palestinian residents delivered an impassioned plea to Ealing Council at full council on Tuesday [December 10], demanding the council do more for people in Gaza. They presented a community petition with over 3500 signatures calling on the council to meet five demands from the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign [PSC].

A Palestinian teenager was amongst those calling on councillors to meet the demands outlined in the petition signed by local residents. Lilya, 13, told the packed meeting: “In my hand is a leaflet dropped from Israeli planes on Gaza, ordering people to move immediately as they will be bombed. I have more than 30 family members in Gaza, 20 are children like me.

“Each time they move to seek shelter, the area they move to is bombed. Why would [Ealing Council] not help them, like you did the people of Ukraine? You say you believe in equality and fairness and upholding international law. Why would you not do that now?”

The petition outlined a five demands from campaigners, similar to steps taken in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine..

These include:

  • Advocating for safe passage for Palestinian refugees – similar to the Homes for Ukraine scheme
  • Establish a dedicated webpage listing support services for Palestinian refugees
  • Call for sanctions on Israel whilst demanding an immediate and permanent ceasefire
  • Urge the UK government to suspend arms sales to Israel
    Divest council managed-funds, including pension schemes, from companies involved in Israel’s actions against Palestinians

Councillor Blerina Hashani responded, “The ongoing crisis in Israel and Gaza has deeply affected communities both here and abroad …On a local level, our commitment to supporting all residents with safety and sanctuary in Ealing remains steadfast regardless of their background or country of origin.”

Cllr Stephen Donnelly confirmed that no funds administered by the council were directly invested in companies with any stake in the ongoing crisis. However, he acknowledged some exposure to these companies through investment funds managed by external investment fund managers.

He rejected the calls for divestment. He argued, “Our overriding fiduciary duty is to the current and future pensioners…Any immediate significant divestment would be a detriment to the funds due to the transaction costs we would incur and the impact of timing in the markets. Any immediate divestment cannot therefore be justified at this time.”

Following the meeting, petition organisers expressed their anger at the council for failing to implement any concrete plans to alleviate suffering of those in Gaza.

Secretary of PSC West London, Barry Gleeson said, “Thousands in our borough have rallied repeatedly, demanding action to prevent the ongoing loss of innocent lives. Tonight [Tuesday, December 10], Ealing Council have effectively said it is ‘business as usual’ – and have heartlessly ignored the demands of the community.”

Philip James Lynch - Local Democracy Reporter