Parking Attendants Back in Action on Local High Streets

Large pay rise given to staff working in the borough of Hounslow

Motorists will no longer get any respite from Penalty Charge Notices

March 16, 2023

Parking attendants in the borough of Hounslow have returned to work after accepting a new pay offer.

The civil enforcement officers, who are employed by Serco, on behalf of the council will be paid an annual salary of £28,730 up from £24,421 as a result of the deal negotiated by their union Unite.

They had announced an indefinite strike after earlier industrial action had failed to secure a deal despite parking attendants working in Ealing borough getting a pay rise.

The new offer, which staff have voted to accept, is the equivalent of a rise of 18% over an 18-month period according to the union.

Unite general secretary, Sharon Graham said, “This is a cracking pay deal for the parking officers in Hounslow. The workers’ rock-solid determination has paid off. It’s more proof that Unite is fighting for better jobs, pay and conditions and winning.

“Unite negotiated an additional 8% backdated to April 2022 (on top of 1.7% already awarded). Followed by a further 7% uplift from April 2023 and a further minimum 2% uplift from October 2023.”

Unite acting national officer, Clare Keogh said, “The workers were not prepared to give up. Their determination has paid off.

“For our part, Unite was ready and willing to thrash out a deal from the very start. It’s a shame Serco took so long to reach a deal.

“This is a lesson to other outsourced employers up and down the country. Unite is absolutely determined to ensure our members in local authorities get a fair deal.”

Councillor Salman Shaheen, Cabinet Member for Parking, Parks and Leisure, said, “I am pleased that the dispute between Serco and Unite the Union over Hounslow’s parking enforcement officers has been successfully resolved. Whilst the dispute was between Serco and Unite, we met a number of times with both parties to enable an equitable resolution.

“Equality is at the heart of our values and we are committed to ensuring that our people are paid fairly. We value every person who works for and on behalf of the Council.

"The Council is an accredited London Living Wage (LLW) employer which ensures that those who work for us, either directly or through contractors, receive a fair day’s pay for the vital services they provide to our residents. We also understand that many workers are struggling in the cost of living crisis, so we are pleased that Serco has negotiated a pay rise with Unite that will help Hounslow's parking attendants receive greater security in the tough times we face."

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