Watch Out For Bogus Charity Collectors

Council warning about doorstep scam

Residents are being warned that people pretending to be council officials or collecting for charity are in operation in the borough.

The first scam appears to be of people knocking on doors, claiming to work for the council and wanting to check water and electricity meters. The second scam involves bogus council staff claiming to collect donations for Syria

All council employees and contractors carry identification and are required to show it when visiting residents’ homes.  Anyone who is suspicious should ask for ID and refuse entry if the representative cannot produce it. If ID is produced residents can check with the council to verify the person’s authenticity, if they are a genuine officer they will not mind waiting. Do not leave your front door open while you check their identification and do not call a number provided by the individual –instead contact the council directly on 020 8825 5000.   

Councillor Ranjit Dheer, cabinet member for community services and safety said: “Residents should take the usual precautions when opening doors to strangers and if in doubt should refuse entry to their home.  They should also report any suspicious or threatening behaviour to the police.

“I would also ask residents to help reduce the chances of their vulnerable  friends or neighbours becoming victims by passing on our advice.”

More information about dealing with suspected bogus callers is available from the police or Age UK



April 24th 2013