Tories would go to court to stop tram

Council administration has 'blatantly disregarded the outcome of the consultation'

Conservatives on Ealing Council have today announced that a Conservative administration in Ealing would use every means possible, including the courts, to stop the West London Tram from going ahead.


The move followed the release of the public consultation showing that the majority of residents opposed the tram, yet despite this, Mayor Livingstone and Ealing Council have signalled its determination to press ahead with the scheme.


Cllr Jason Stacey, Leader of the Conservatives on Ealing Council, said: �What we have seen in the last week from both Mayor Livingstone and the Labour administration on Ealing Council is what I can only describe as dishonest politics. They launched a huge public consultation exercise to find out what residents thought about the tram proposals, yet have blatantly disregarded the outcome of this consultation when the result has not got their way. It is no wonder that people have such low regard for politicians when you such a sham taking place�.


If the Tories were to take control of Ealing Council, they intend to withdraw the support of the Council from the tram project. Cllr Stacey added "We are also, if necessary, prepared to go through the courts to stop the tram proposals�


�These are strong commitments to make, but I feel strongly that a great injustice is being heaped upon the residents of Ealing and it is right and proper that their elected councillors have the gumption to stand up for those they purport to represent�.

March 15, 2005