Local Schools Receive Outstanding Praise

From Chief Inspector of Education in Ofsted's annual report

Four local schools have been highlighted in the Annual Report of Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education as being 'outstanding providers' of education.

Berrymede Junior School, St Benedicts Junior School, Belmont Primary School and Strand-on-the-Green Infant and Nursery Schools were all judged outstanding for overall effectiveness in the inspections undertaken by Ofsted.

Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Education, Children's Services and Skills, Christine Gilbert, said, "There is strong evidence that focussed inspection can be a real driver for improvement and we will continue to focus our work on those schools where outcomes for children are not good enough".

Attendance was generally better in the schools inspected in 2006/07 than in those inspected the year before. However, concerns remain and poor attendance continues to affect learning. Behaviour is good or outstanding in 88% of schools; however it is only satisfactory in 29% of secondary schools.

"This report leaves me encouraged by the recognition that so much is going well for so many children, young people and adult learners; but frustrated that there is still too much that is patently inadequate and too many instances where the rate of improvement is unacceptably slow." Gilbert surmises.

"Too many vulnerable children are still being let down by the system and we are failing to learn from the worst cases of abuse.

“I intend to focus inspection and regulation where the need for improvement is greatest.”

The full report can be downloaded here (please note that some of the pdf files are large and could take some time to download).

November 27, 2008