Further Production of Factory Quarter Halted

Plans refused but Councillor warns developer is likely to re-submit

The campaign to stop a sizeable development near Greenford Road has been successful after the council officers agreed with that the size of the development was inappropriate.

The campaign was launched after residents received notification from Ealing Council that an application for a four storey building housing 30 self-contained units had been submitted.

Residents opposing the scheme approached Councillor Gary Malcolm and Andrew Steed for help and were advised to write letters stating their views.

Cllr Malcolm and Ealing Council officers received around 40 emails and ten letters from residents complaining about the plans.

Councillor Gary Malcolm said, “The plan to build a development this tall is clearly not in keeping with the area. Many residents in Greenend Road would not be able to enjoy the privacy of their gardens if it had been allowed to go ahead. I am glad so many residents felt so strongly about the issue.”

He added, “Because of the strange way the planning system works it seems likely that the developer many put in new plans for a similar building. If so this is one battle won and another we will have to fight in the future.”

September 23, 2009