Description from applicationHybrid planning application for comprehensive phased redevelopment of the site comprising:Full planning permission for demolition of existing buildings and structures (Phases 1 to 2) to provide up to 550sqm (GIA) of Business Use Class B1a/b/c floorspace, up to 125sqm (GIA) of flexible commercial Use Classes A1 / A2 / A3 / A4 / A5, up to 200 new affordable and market dwellings in a block up to 25 storeys, replacement Train Crew Accommodation (TCA) building, new footway to Bollo Lane, relocated bus stop, new pedestrian crossing, new open and amenity space and associated public realm works.Outline planning permission (Phases 3 to 4) for demolition of existing buildings and structures to provide up to 1,800sqm (GIA) of Business Use Class B1a/b/c floorspace, up to 175sqm (GIA) of flexible commercial Use Classes A1 / A2 / A3 / A4 / A5, up to 700 new affordable and market dwellings (up to 61,940sqm(GIA)) in 8 Blocks of between 8 storeys and 18 storeys, new open and amenity space, vehicle and cycle parking, rear service road, alterations to vehicular accesses and associated public realm works. Appearance to be a 'reserved' matter.
Paul Webster ● 1654d