Allegations of Hounslow Homes Fraud Internally Investigated

Not connected to senior management review

Further to comments on BrentfordTW8 and on twitter Hounslow Homes have issued the folling statement:

"Following the recent decision by the council to bring a significant number of functions back previously run by Hounslow Homes back in house, the board agreed to review the senior management arrangements. On 31 July the board received a confidential report on the senior management arrangements for the company prepared by an independent specialist advisor.

The board have agreed to implement the recommendations that the chief executive post be re-designated and re-graded as a ‘managing director’ and are currently consulting with senior management and will confirm the outcomes at the end of August. The board decided to take no action relating to any other senior post. As a consequence and in line with procedures the chief executive has been issued with a ‘vulnerable to redundancy notice’. In any event the chief executive will be with Hounslow Homes for the next four months and carrying on with all day to day responsibilities

On the separate matter of the disciplinary investigation, Hounslow Homes can confirm that allegations have been made regarding a breach of our code of conduct. Such allegations are always treated very seriously and investigated in accordance with the Hounslow Homes Disciplinary Procedure.

If our investigation reveals evidence of wrong doing, the Hounslow Homes disciplinary procedure will be invoked and appropriate action taken against the staff members concerned.

We are unable to comment on the details of any specific case which must remain confidential between the individual and their employer.

As the investigation is ongoing we are unable to comment any further other than to add that the findings of the internal investigation will dictate the need to escalate the matter as appropriate”.

Hounslow Homes hopes to be in a position to issue another statement very soon.

August 14, 2013