Over 400 Complaints About Rubbish In Southfield

Liberal Democrats carry out survey of every street in the ward

Liberal Democrat councillors recently carried out a survey of every street in Southfield ward which includes parts of Actonand found 420 problems.

They said that since the Labour-run Ealing Council introduced wheelie bins there had been a huge spike in complaints, including those of unswept and dirty streets as well as large volumes of flytips.

Fly-tipping in Southfield Ward
Fly-tipping in Southfield Ward. Picture: FixMyStreet

The three Southfield Liberal Democrat Councillors visited every street and park over the weekend of 9/10 July to identify problems.

According to the Southfield Focus newsletter, a total of 420 problems were found in more than 100 streets.

Councillor Gary Malcolm said: "Ealing Council has never been very effective at keeping our streets clean but since wheelie bins came along, our streets look far worse. Since we reported more than 400 issues to the Council, many have been rectified, but long term they need to buck their ideas up.

"The number of problems identfied, show that our streets look unkept and neglected. If a street has abandoned bins, gutters full of rubbish, six month old planning notices attached to trees, residents justifiably question why they pay their Council Tax."

One elderly Bedford Park resident was on the verge of contacting the Local Government Ombudsman to complain about his frustration in not receiving the smaller-sized bins he had requested. Following correspondence with Ealing Council he is now to be provided with smaller-sized bins.

Recently Conservative party members in Southfield ward took over the delivery of wheelie bins after local resident, Mrs. Patel who lives on Fletcher Road said she had contacted the Council twelve times in eight weeks and still not received her wheelie bins. The Council apologised.

August 4, 2016