Current Season of Iris Axon Concerts Draws to a Close

Soprano Susie Gibbons to be accompanied by Joanna Kacperek

Picture: Susie Gibbons

June 19, 2024

The final concert in the Iris Axon 2023-24 season will be song recital by the Dublin soprano Susie Gibbons accompanied by Joanna Kacperek.

It takes place on Sunday 7 July at 4pm at Acton Hill Church.

The programme includes favourites by Clara Schumann, Richard Strauss, Roger Quilter, Frank Bridge and Puccini with a piano solo of Brahms' Theme and Variations in D minor, Opus 18b which was dedicated to Clara Schumann.

Susie Gibbons graduated with distinction from the Royal College of Music with a Master of Performance as a Sussex Scholar where she studied with Amanda Roocroft. She had a busy start to the season as she made her debut with Wexford Festival Opera as Suor Osmina and Le Suore Cercatrici in Suor Angelica.

Jane Schopf, Founder and Organiser, said to those who attending concerts this season, “Thank you all very much indeed for your greatly valued support. All the artists say how much they enjoy playing for you as they find you an extremely appreciative and knowledgeable audience.”

There is no concert in August, but 1 September will see the start of the 20th year for the series which runs through to July 2025.

The Iris Axon Concert Series is an annual season of short (60-70 minute) monthly recitals on Sunday afternoons at the Acton Hill Church. The series was started by Music Director Jane Schopf in 2004 to provide a venue for young musicians starting on their professional careers, many of whom have subsequently enjoyed international success in competitions and on the concert platform. The series has continued to grow and now attracts established international artists as well.

Originally called the Acton Classical Music Concert Series, it was re-named in 2009 in memory of one of its most loyal supporters, Iris Axon, who made possible the purchase of a concert grand, handmade by Clive Pinkham.

The church is deemed ideal for concerts as it has the largest unsupported wooden barrel-vault ceiling in London which brings out the middle harmonics, creating a luxuriously warm sound.

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