Thames Stakeholder Forum

Thames Stakeholder Forum

Find out when and where

Being nearby the Thames, many local residents may well have an intense
interest in what happens to it and to its connected waterways and canals,
with their own i eas on what they would like to see done to preserve and
improve its environment and use.

Whether they are based on land or water,whether individuals or organisations, all who have an interest in theWaterways and would like to have some say, can do so via a Stakeholders Forum that was set up by the Mayor of London to provide input to his Steering Group, that has been advising on this section of the 'LondonPlan'and which will act as a guide to all councils affected.

The Forum meetstwice a year and all who wish notification of future meetings can contact
Kevin Reid, by email
or post -
City Hall
4thFloor, The Queens Walk,
London, SE1 2AA.

Between times, any with ideas or concerns that they wish channelled to the Steering Group can Stakeholder Representative Nigel Moore