AGM for Goldsmith's Resident Association

St Dunstan's Church Tuesday March 16th

Annual General Meeting for Goldsmith's Resident Association will be held in St Dunstan’s Church, Friars Place Lane, London W3 7AW

at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday 16th March

The meeting will be followed by a General Meeting at about 7:50pm to deal with general questions from the floor.

Representatives from all the main political parties should be there and it would be good to get some input from you all about what, if anything, we should be concerned about.

On our mind of late. . . .

1.       The current proposal to ignore the previously agreed “Green Corridor” along the Western Avenue W3 and erect high density social housing.

2.       Local public transport:

a.       We are currently limited to one bus (No. 70) which terminates in central Acton. Previously Nos. 7 and 15 ran through to Kew. Even an extension to Acton Town Station would be useful.

b.      Crossrail, the current proposals.

c.       The Overground service for the next two years.



February 25, 2010

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For further information contact Richard O'Conor (email