We asked Independent, UKIP, Green Party and Christian Party candidates for their views on local issues
Have you decided yet who you will vote for on May 6th? To help you make up your mind, we asked Sam Akaki (Independent), Julie Carter (UKIP), Sarah Edwards (Green Party) and Suzanne Fernandes (Christian Party) for their views on local issues.
The topics chosen are: Regeneration of Acton Town Centre, the Health Service and Policing.
We have not yet heard back from Sarah Edwards and Suzanne Fernandes, but if they contact us before the election we will try to publish their take on these important local issues on the site.
Regeneration of Town Centre and South Acton Estate
Sam Akaki, Independent : While canvassing, local residents informed me that there were several problems including old tower blocks that needed to be demolished; poor accesses into the estate,; poor health and safety facilities; boarded-up properties; and several people who were not in education, employment or training.
If elected, I would table a Private Member's Bill to make Acton Town Centre and South Acton Estate safe and secure places to live and do business in: demolishing old tower blocks; putting boarded-up properties to good use; providing better health and safety facilities; and funding targeted employment training programmes.
Julie Carter: UKIP: The Town Centre and The South Acton Estate have not improved under the current leadership. So much need to be done and soon. The Acton Library and Acton Baths are vital to the residents of the area and can not be lost to developers. Once we stop spending 45 million plus pounds a day in membership to the EU we can inject it back into our own community.
NHS Services (are our A&E departments under threat?)
Sam Akaki: Independent: I know the need for a good NHS better than most candidates in Ealing Central and Acton. My eldest son was diagnosed with a brain tumour when he was five, and has had 10 brain operations since. Yet, according to a report released last week, Royal College of Nursing believes “major cuts in NHS staffing levels which could have disastrous consequences are likely after the election." Ealing hospital is likely to be affected.
Party politicians are notorious for becoming spontaneously concerned about any issue and telling the voters what they want to hear about public services during elections.
My campaign for better public services started in January 2000 when I became the Parliamentary Officer for the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), a post which I resigned last month to contest this election. For ten years, I consistently lobbied ministers and MPs to abolish the British Trident nuclear weapons system, and invest its £20 billion price tag on public services.
If elected I will do work to prevent the possible closure of the Ealing Accident and Emergency; Maternity and Children’s services departments. The replacement of Trident nuclear weapons system at an initial cost of £20 billion should be either scrapped or postponed for the duration of the economic crisis. That money should instead be used to fund the NHS and other vital services
Julie Carter: UKIP: Ealing Hospital A & E must remain open and 'frontline' services maintained. UK I P will return to real matrons and on-the ward-nurse training.
Policing in Acton
Sam Akaki: Independent : Many black and Asian youths have told me that they are frequently stopped and searched by the police under Anti-Terrorism laws. They are not the only victims. Journalists and too are being prevented from talking picture in public places. Even Ealing Council is reportedly to be using anti-terror laws to search rubbish bins!
If elected I would work to amend the Anti-terrorism laws with a view to improving policing in Acton a way that ensures our security while maintaining good community relations at the same time.
Julie Carter: UKIP: Crime is an important issue. UK IP demands zero tolerance on crime and will double the number of police. Acton's residents will finally see a police presence on its streets.
April 29, 2010