Residents' Petition Over 'Plastic Monstrosities'

Opposition to introduction of wheelie bins in the borough

Over 1000 people have signed a petition opposing the introduction of wheelie bins in Ealing.

Both the Conservatives and Lib Dems are against the plans - expected to be introduced next year - which will see residents getting plastic bins and fortnightly collections.

Conservative Councillor Nigel Sumner, who set up the petition said: ''Labour’s plans to force wheelie bins on residents is an issue that affects the whole borough and not just one ward.

“Residents are right to be concerned over the lack of choice or consultation on the issue, especially as they are also being forced into a fortnightly collection service.”

Gary Malcolm, Lib Dem leader said; '' It is sad that Labour wants to force residents to have two wheelie bins. Many people will not have space to store these additional collection vessels.''

Signatures are being collected on the e-petition until May 18th. It reads:

We the undersigned residents of the London Borough of Ealing are opposed to the Labour Administrations plans to inflict wheelie bins – i.e. plastic monstrosities on front gardens and streets of Ealing.

We believe residents should be given a choice and not have wheelie bins thrust upon them just as a fortnightly collection service and paid garden service has been. 

We would like our pavements to remain clear and our gardens remain gardens.

Labour Councillor Bassam Mahfouz said the new system will help boost recycling rates to 50% by 2018 : ''Having looked at what other boroughs have successfully done, we believe the introduction of wheelie bins with alternate weekly collections, similar to that introduced in neighbouring boroughs of Harrow, Brent and Barnet will allow us to achieve that.”

14th May 2015