South Acton Wellbeing Centre

All change for Autumn with new classes and opening hours

Action Acton has taken over the management of The South Acton Sports and Fitness Centre which will now be renamed the South Acton Wellbeing Centre. 

Wellbeing Centre Flyer (PDF)

This change will not only focus on keeping the centre and gym going but it will also increase the centres current opening hours and provide even more activities and classes to suit everybody!

Please take a moment to read about these changes.

In order for this exciting transformation and expansion to take place, the centre must generate income by implementing an affordable fee for use of the facilities which start on the 1st October 2011, SO FOR NOW IT”S FREE.

Please be aware that the new rates will be reasonable and are very cheap compared to other options available, but most importantly please remember that these new costs will further sustain and expand a very successful fitness and community initiative in your area.

We hope to include classes such as Dance, Yoga, Pilates, Tai chi and Zumba amongst others but we would also like to provide useful services such as counselling services and Health promotion activities including...
• Yoga and tai chi sessions
• Healthy walk programs
• Healthy eating activities
• Outreach ‘Health check’ days
• Plus many more...

We would like to hear what you think or if you have any questions we will be happy to answer them for you. There will also be an open day soon which will further explain these exciting changes. Action Acton has 10 years experience of providing information, advice and guidance from experienced and qualified staff to residents of South Acton Estate, please join us in utilizing our experience.

To book your next session call us on 07505 122 482 - 0208 9939605
Or email us on

Yours Sincerely,

The Wellbeing Centre Team

23rd August 2011