Acton Town Hall Redevelopement Under More Scrutiny

Conservatives say there is a need for more affordable family houses

A decision on how Acton Town Hall will be redeveloped has been called in for further examination.

The Conservatives are unhappy that the Council has awarded a contract to 'One Housing Group', who do not propose any three-bedroomed family homes.

Councillor David Millican, Conservative Group Leader said: "We all know that there is a desperate need for more affordable dwellings suitable for hard working families, yet this Labour Council is turning its back on them."

"As the Conservative Opposition we have "called-in" the decision, which means that Ealing's Labour Council cannot proceed with this until it has been reviewed properly by the powerful Overview & Scrutiny Committee. This building is publicly owned, and the chosen developer is a non-profit company, so the Council has no excuse."

"Acton needs more affordable three bedroom homes suitable for families and we will insist that the Council delivers them."

Labour's Housing Spokesman Cllr Hitesh Tailor has responded saying:

“Another bizarre intervention from an increasingly  clueless and weak Tory Leader. The Tory-led Government has cut the money available for new affordable homes by 60% which has resulted in a massive drop in new build homes and are legislating for having no affordable housing at all on new schemes. The Labour council re-instated a policy of 50% affordable homes in large developments and we have a commitment to social rented homes. Interestingly Cllr Millican fails to define what is affordable.  

''Whilst we have agreed One housing group as our preferred developer the Council have yet to conclude negotiations and no plans have been submitted to planning.

“The Tories have no interest in housing people in Acton they simply want to be obstructive in order to send out a few press releases. In fact their support for Govt policies have increased homelessness amongst local Acton families by 75% and who are now currently rehoused in bed and breakfast accommodation.''


12th November 2012