Latest News From The Southfield Forum

East Acton and Southfield Councillors working on CPZs

Works to install new lights for two paths across Southfield Recreational Ground are scheduled to start at the end of June and expected to be finished in August. The lights will have timer devices so that residents can get between Acton to Chiswick early in the morning and in the evenings after work.

The matter was discussed at the recent meeting of the Southfield Forum - it was also announced that up to five fitness-related items of equipment will be installed in the coming months.

It was also agreed to make some changes to a number of the ward’s CPZ’s and those interested can read a summary of the changes on Councillor Gary Malcolm’s blog.

Councillor Malcolm ( Liberal Democrat) added “ We also agreed to spend £500 so that the residents of Dordrecht Road and Valetta Road can be consulted at some CPZ changes that were made about 2 years ago. Your Liberal Democrat Councillors have been in liaison with the three East Acton Councillors as part of the CPZ is also in East Acton.”

It was announced that the ward had won a share of Ealing Council monies so that the parade near the Zebra crossing on Southfield Road near to Brookfield Road will have improvements made. This is to make it easier to access the area and encourage more use of the parade.

4. Other spends to improve the area include:

Installing lighting in the area of Fishers Lane near the bridge
Removal of yellow lines that are not needed and possibly replacing them with CPZ bays to reduce parking issues (Ivy Crescent and Priory Road are two locations selected)
A traffic survey to the part of Acton Lane near to the 94 bus terminus
New signage for Evershed Walk as it appears large vehicles are commonly trying to enter Evershed Walk from Acton Lane. Evershed Walk is a no through road so the signs should help to reduce the number of times vehicles are entering the road.
Planting eight trees on Southfield Road, Rusthall Avenue, Acton Lane, Wilkinson Way, St. Albans Avenues, Ramillies Road, Vanburgh Road and Marborough Crescent.


The next meeting takes place on 20th September at the Carlton Day Centre, Carlton Road, W4 from 7.30pm. All welcome.


June 18th 2012