South Acton Councillors' Report

Area update from Cllr John Gallagher

I advised my readers last month that Josh Blacker has replaced me as a Labour candidate in South Acton. Now I have great pleasure in congratulating Dr Rupa Huq, my deputy mayoress 2010/1, on being selected as the Labour parliamentary candidate for the Ealing Central & Acton constituency.

The council is planning on resurfacing Denehurst and Granville Gardens. I have asked officers to have a look at Stanaway and Layer Gardens because they have very poor surfaces and they have agreed to improve them. We would like to put Mill Hill Road in the programme as well.

At the last council meeting Yvonne moved a motion on the Economy, Mik asked a question and I declared a personal non-prejudicial interest as secretary of West London Trades' Union Club and Acton Pubwatch and seconded the motion on protection of public houses.

We held the South Acton Ward Forum on Wednesday, 23rd October. We hope we have since resolved the confusion over Oakley Avenue which developed subsequently.

Yvonne and I have reported drug dealing and bad lighting both sides of Avenue Road and Mik and I have reported similar problems on the estate. Thanks to our new Sergeant, Sean Snaith, one arrest on the estate led to three more for drugs and firearms.

Yvonne and I supported the Leader of the Council, Cllr Julian Bell, on Thursday, 17th October, at the opening of Beeching House, the new L&Q block on the site of Bollo Court. Council officers, members of Acton Gardens Board and other residents attended.

The energy price rises are an absolute scandal. Now they say the regulator is making then remove the paperless billing discount. The council is trying to sign residents up to a group with other boroughs for mass swaps to see if that will reduce prices. Unfortunately, I had already signed up for a three year deal before we discussed this alternative.

Royal Mail, our second oldest public service, seems to have been almost given away. However, the council signed contract with them for two years.

Can anyone provide raffle prizes for the mayor? Please let me know.

Now that I am sixty-five I have had my first experience of age discrimination. I have had travel insurance with Atlas Direct for about ten years. I contacted them to renew last week and they told me I was too old. I better contact Saga and Age UK.

The 266 must be an official joke now. I include Dr Onkar Sahota, our Greater London Assembly member, in this circulation and I hope he will be able to investigate the route. Three times this week it has taken over twenty minutes for one to arrive after 10:30pm. Last Sunday afternoon it just went off the screen at around 3:30pm.

Acton Arts Forum are undertaking a history project for English Heritage. Contact Rachel Pepper for further details.

What is the truth about the hospitals' accident and emergency units? A Tory leaflet told me that Ealing and Charing Cross have been saved but other people, including doctors, have told me they will be reduced in size and that they will not take ambulance patients.

I forwarded the email on 29th October from the Executive Director of Environment & Customer Services, Keith Townsend, about the weather conditions. We should congratulate officers on a swift response.

We now have a new pub on South Acton Ward. I went to the opening of The Aeronaut last week and was very impressed by the refurbishment.

Your South Acton Labour Councillors

John Gallagher 020 8993 0017

Yvonne Johnson 020 8993 4166

Mik Sabiers 020 8992 5014

19th November 2013