South Acton Councillors' Report

Latest news from local representatives

Dear Residents,

Unfortunately, I have spent most of December nursing a bad leg, which fortunately has now more or less recovered so I was able to spend last weekend in Brussels, but it has restricted my attendance at meetings and canvassing. This is, as a result, a fairly brief report.

There was a fire at Appleby Court over the holiday. I went round last night and found two of the residents complaining about the residue being left there and that the front door is not locking. I have reported it to Catalyst and to the police Safer Neighbourhood Team in case there is a repeat incident. I have also asked Acton Gardens to confirm the schedule for transfers from the blocks to be demolished is going ahead as planned.

I have had several emails today from the police and residents concerned about the Mark Duggan inquest. I expect most neighbourhood watches and several of the residents' associations and community groups will have received the police emails. There will be a meeting at Ealing Town Hall next Tuesday, 14th, at 7pm to discuss radical changes to the borough community police groups, to which residents' groups and neighbourhood watches are invited.

Last night I was one of the speakers at Acton History Group's presentation on Acton High School. Acton Arts Forum have been awarded funding by English Heritage to do a study of Acton over the last hundred and fifty years. Dr Jonathan Oates will be speaking at at meeting in St Mary's Church Hall at 2pm this afternoon, if you receive this in time.

The dates of the council meetings before the election on 22nd May are set for Tuesdays 28th January, 25th February (Budget-no council tax increase) and 15th April. The final ward forum will be held on Wednesday, 5th March.


John Gallagher







16th January 2014