Laundry To Silence the Dryers

24 hour business in W3 promises to keep the noise down

An Acton laundry which caused a noise nuisance to local residents says it will comply with council orders to quieten down.

Locals near Greenock Road in W3 say the company, MacGill of Kensington, installed state of the art industrial washing and drying equipment operating day and night creating an incessant din - clearly audible from nearby streets.

They set up a petition and reported their comments about the nightmares they had been having to endure.

Ealing Council had issued two noise notices but was forced to apply for an injunction against the company after they were ignored.

The laundry has now agreed to comply with the requirements and not use its dryers outside set time limits.

MacGills' acoustic consultants have sent the council a report outlining the proposals for reducing the noise to an acceptable level.

The Council is looking into the report to see whether the measures taken are sufficient and say they will continue to monitor the site.

A Council spokesperson said: '' “We are very focused on fixing the problem and will continue to work with the business and local residents to bring this matter to a successful conclusion. We will not hesitate to take further action to make sure the business complies with the noise abatement notice.

“We will also be looking into whether or not to prosecute the business for their previous breaches of the notice.”


6th September 2012