Central Acton Neighbourhood Forum Needs You!

Get involved in your local community

If you live or work in Central Acton you are being urged to have a say in its future planning.
Central Acton Neighbourhood Forum (CANForum) are drawing up a  Neighbourhod Plan and as they explain below, want to hear from as many people as possible.


Some time ago we told you about the Central Acton Neighbourhood Forum (CANForum). Now we are out and about in the area. Perhaps you've noticed a leaflet on your doormat, or seen a stall when you've been out at the weekend. There are plenty more activities planned, all of which are designed to find out what you think of the local area. And once CANForum has received enough feedback, we are charged with drawing up a Neighbourhood Plan which you will then have an opportunity to vote on.

But let's rewind. What is a Neighbourhood Forum, or a Neighbourhood Plan? And what do you have to do with it?

A Neighbourhood Forum is a body, empowered by law, which gives people in that neighbourhood a voice in their community when it comes to services, buildings, traffic, and social interaction. It is a body that not only listens to residents’ concerns, but reflects those concerns to the Council. What is the right height for buildings in the area? Where does traffic flow need improvement? All these, and many other issues.

Having listened to the local community, a Neighbourhood Forum must then produce a Neighbourhood Plan which incorporates residents’ concerns and views into a policy document. This Plan is then put to you, the residents to vote on. Once approved, the Neighbourhood Plan then sits alongside the Council’s Local Plans and, when new developments, or changes to our local environment are proposed, the Council must pay heed not only to their own plans, but to the Neighbourhood Plan also.

CANForum is Central Acton's Neighbourhood Forum and we are out and about seeking your views, listening to local residents, and taking advice from you about Central Acton. We have embarked upon a consultation to help us draw up our Neighbourhood Plan. We want to know what sort of an area you want to live in, what you want from Council planning, and how you think about development and change; both now and in the future. If you see us around and about, please come over, tell us what you're thinking about Acton, or if you have some time, visit our website (www.canforum.org) and make your thoughts known there.

This really is our chance to have a real say in the area we live, work and play in.

Alan Kasket

8th November 2017